We are just incomplete creatures living in the abyss of matter trying to find out footing in this thing called life.


you see what you want to see….

We try and remember the steps taken by the for-bearers who carried the heavy affliction of not knowing exactly what they were doing but never the less valiant enough to take it. They created their own path, their own niche, their own principle of working through the crazy and as the years go by, people see it working and they idealize and put their dreams in THIS enclosed space, trusting and praying that it will work out the same for them as it did for others. They don’t see the struggle, or the tears, the angry “significant other”, the weary parent.


All they see is a success story written on glossy pages of magazines and hear it on prime time television and they envision themselves being you. They will their ambitions, their lives, their resolve with THAT criteria and worry into the night, creating streaks of sorrow and distress and are not at ease with their lives and soon they reason that they are not worth the very thing they sort out to be; because they didn’t see failure in your PLAN, they didn’t see any agony in your plan; they stay up at night, burning the midnight oil, stacking up bills of squandered dreams and elapsed happiness. Who knew?

Sadly they don’t realize that each mind is unalike, each plan inimitably set apart, defined by who we are as individuals, as mortals walking and breathing matter that yes may be the alike but inherently not the same. For each ying has its own yang and no one can separate the two entities.
So why take someone’s yang and assume it will fit for your ying. Baby your ying is special and cannot be defined. Love, you are remarkably talented and no one’s dreams can reach yours. See every mind has the aptitude to be more, to open up and create beautifully crafted ideas, mesh them up and sell it as a package. But sweetie no one will see the silent anguish of failed proposals or will be there in a presentation when the big guy isn’t impressed. See the world is too selfish to care about your torments; all it wants is to celebrate your accomplishment and milk you for it. So be cognizant of those close to you, be vigilant of the wolves in sheep’s clothing called friends; who only want one thing from you. Be aware that even in this life, nothing comes for free but be so virtuous that you repay your dues and you recompense yourself for even great men require a pat in the back.

here's my pat to you

here’s my pat to you

now lets go do something world changing..

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